Friday, September 02, 2005

the saucy legend, vol. 1

the following tale is set in the uga main library. saucy is seated in his familiar perch in the "checkout" area. enter attractive dreadlocked female:

SAUCE: hey, how's it going.

DREADY GIRL: good. you.

S: good. um, cool.

[lull in conversation in as saucy scanned her books]

S: um, i need to update your information. is [#$%?] still your address.

DG: no, actually my address is [*&%^].

S: ok. and what's your phone number.

DG: why do you need that?

S: because i'm gonna call you this week and ask you out.

this is just one anecdote from the thrillride life of the saucy one. for the record, dready girl did give up her number, but i believe she made up some excuse when the sauce called her. they never went out. still, talk about a saucy approach.


Blogger sauce said...

hahaha, you got spammed. Anyway, that girl actually works downstairs in the library now. We spoke yesterday, as a matter of fact.

9/02/2005 10:57 AM  

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